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Blogs / Student's Corner / NEET UG Exam 2025 Syllabus & Last 5 Years Question Papers

Blogs / Student's Corner / NEET UG Exam 2025 Syllabus & Last 5 Years Question Papers

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16 Oct 2024

NEET UG Exam 2025 Syllabus & Last Year Question Papers

NEET UG Exam 2025 Syllabus & Last 5 Years Question Papers

Are you appearing for the NEET UG exam in 2025 and looking for the syllabus and previous years' question papers to indulge in holistic preparation right away? Look no further! This blog covers the NEET UG 2025 tentative syllabus in detail alongside the last 5 years' question papers.  

NEET UG Exam 2025 Syllabus

The NEET exam 2025 would consist of three subjects, namely – Physics, Chemistry, and Biology, and here is the subject-wise detailed breakdown of the syllabus.

NEET UG Physics Syllabus 

Physics & Measurement 

Units of Measurement 

Systems of Units - SI Units, Fundamental Units, & Derived Units

Errors in Measurement

Significant Figures 

Dimensions of Physical Quantities 

Dimensional Analysis & Its Applications 



Motion in a Straight Line

Position-Time Graph & Velocity-Time Graph 

Speed & Velocity: Uniform and Non-uniform Motion

Average Speed & Instantaneous Velocity 

Uniformly Accelerated Motion

Scalars & Vectors; Scalar & Vector Product 

Unit Vector & Resolution of a Vector

Vector Addition and Subtraction

Relative Velocity 

Motion in a Plane 

Projectile Motion 

Uniform Circular Motion


Law of Motion

Newton’s First Law of Motion: Force & Inertia 

Newton’s Second Law of Motion: Momentum

Newton’s Third Law of Motion: Impulses

Linear Momentum’s Law of Conservation and its Applications

Equilibrium of Concurrent Forces 

Static & Kinetic Friction 

Law of Friction, Rolling Friction

Dynamics of Uniform Circular Motion 

Centripetal Force & Its Applications


Work, Energy, and Power 

Work Done by A Constant Force & A Variable Force 

Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy 

Work-Energy Theorem, Power 

The Potential Energy of Spring Conservation of Mechanical Energy 

Conservative and Non-Conservative Forces 

Motion in a Vertical Circle: Elastic & Inelastic Collisions in One or Two Dimensions 


Rotational Motion 

Centre of the Mass of A Two-Particle System

Centre of the Mass of A Rigid Body 

Basic Concepts of Rotational Motion 

Moment of A Force, Torque, and Angular Momentum

Conservation of Angular Momentum and Its Applications

The Moment of Inertia

The Radius of Gyration

Values of Moments of Inertia for Simple Geometrical Objects, 

Parallel and Perpendicular Axes Theorems and Their Applications

Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies 

Rigid Body Rotation and Equations of Rotational Motion

Comparison of Linear and Rotational Motion 



The Universal Law of Gravitation

Acceleration Due to Gravity and Its Variation with Altitude and Depth 

Kepler’s Law of Planetary Motion 

Gravitational Potential Energy

Gravitational Potential 

Escape Velocity 

Motion of A Satellite 

Orbital Velocity 

Time Period and Energy of Satellite 


Properties of Solids & Liquids 

Elastic Behaviour 

Stress-Strain Relationship 

Hooke’s Law 

Young’s Modulus 

Bulk Modulus 

Modulus of Rigidity 

Pressure due to a Fluid Column 

Pascals’ Law and Its Applications 

Effect of Gravity on Fluid Pressure


Stokes’ Law 

Terminal Velocity 

Streamline and Turbulent Flow 

Critical Velocity 

Bernoulli’s Principle and Its Applications 

Surface Energy and Surface Tension 

Angle of Contact 

Excess of Pressure across a Curved Surface  

Application of Surface Tension: Drops, Bubbles, and Capillary Rise

Heat, Temperature, Thermal Expansion 

Specific Heat Capacity 


Change of State, Latent Heat 

Heat Transfer: Conduction, Convection, Radiation



Thermal Equilibrium 

Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics 

The Concept of Temperature 

Heat, Work, and Internal Energy

The First Law of Thermodynamics: Isothermal and Adiabatic Processes 

The Second Law of Thermodynamics: Reversible and Irreversible Processes 


Kinetic Theory of Gases 

Equation of State of a Perfect Gas 

Work Done on Compressing a Gas 

Kinetic Theory of Gases - Assumptions

The Concept of Pressure 

Kinetic Interpretation of Temperature: RMS Speed of Gas Molecules, Degrees of Freedom 

Law of Equipartition of Energy and Application to Specific Heat Capacities of Gases 

Mean Free Path 

Avogadro’s Number 



Oscillations and Waves 

Oscillations and Periodic Motion - Time Period, Frequency, Displacement as a Function of Time.  

Periodic Functions 

Simple Harmonic Motion (S.H.M) and Its Equation 

Phase: Oscillations of a Spring, Restoring Forces & Force Constant

Energy in S.H.M - Kinetic and Potential Energies 

Simple Pendulum: Derivation of Expression for Its Time Period  

Wave Motion 

Longitudinal and Transverse Waves 

Speed of Travelling Wave

Displacement Relation for A Progressive Wave 

Principle of Superposition of Waves

Reflection of Waves 

Standing Waves in Strings and Organ Pipes 

Fundamental Mode and Harmonics 




Electric Charges: Conservation of Charges 

Coulomb’s Law Forces Between Two Point Charges 

Forces Between Multiple Charges: Superposition Principle and Continuous Charge Distribution 

Electric Field: Electric Field due to a Point Charge, Electric Field Lines

Electric Dipole, Electric Field Due to a Dipole 

Torque on a Dipole in a Uniform Electric Field 

Electric Flux 

Gauss's Law and Its Applications to Find Field due to Infinitely Long Uniformly Charged Straight Wire, Uniformly Charged Infinite Plane Sheet, & Uniformly Charged Thin Spherical Shell.

Electric Potential and Its Calculation for a Point Charge

Electric Dipole and System of Charges: Potential Difference 

Equipotential Surfaces

Electrical Potential Energy of a System of Two Point Charges and of Electric Dipole in an Electrostatic Field

Conductors & Insulators

Dielectrics & Electric Polarization

Capacitors & Capacitances

The Combination of Capacitors in Series and Parallel

Capacitance of a Parallel Plate Capacitor with & without Dielectric Medium between the Plates

Energy Stored in A Capacitor


Current Electricity 

Electric Current 

Drift Velocity 

Mobility and Their Relation with Electric Current 


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